The winter months can often offer the most glorious of crisp sea days. Where the water is glassy and perfect for cruising. According to Practical Boat Owner, over 70% of boat owners keep their vessels in the water all year round to take advantage of some perfect boating conditions.
Safety always comes first and even more so during the winter months when cold water shock can become an added danger in the water and, Mike Hannam (RNLI Water Safety Delivery Support Manager) advises that "automatic lifejackets are essential; wearing your lifejacket can inrease your chance of survival by up to four times when immersend in cold water". To keep yours in lifesaving condition, get them serviced regularly by the manufacturer".
Marine Warehouse is a Maritime and Coastguard Agency Approved Lifejacket Service Centre. Inspected by the MCA annually, Marine Warehouse prides itself with integrity and attention to detail when inpsecting lifejackets ensuring they meet and conform to current and the most up to date standards. Email the team at Marine Warehouse for any further information you may need for winter checks on your lifejackets.
More11th October 2023