Lifejackets and Aircraft
Can automatic lifejackets be carried on aircraft?
Easyjet - response to question can we carry lifejackets? March 2015:
Dear Richard,
I am sorry for any confusion.
You can take lifejackets onboard in your cabin and hold luggage as we supply lifejackets onboard.
You will be able to take up to two refills with you as well.
This is not our policy, this a policy that we abide by given us by the Civil Aviation Authority who regulates all airlines.
We look forward to welcoming you onboard an easyJet flight soon.
Kind Regards
EasyJet Customer Services
The email reference for the above enquiry with easyjet is Reference ID: 107842766 please feel free to print this and take it with you when you fly in case of any query!
Civil Aviation Authority Rules:
Visit the CAA website page that deals with lifejackets:
Look in the section entitled 'Gases'
CAA Website link for lifejackets
We are often asked whether commercial airlines will allow transportation of automatic gas lifejackets. Many of our customers fly to sail and prefer to take their own lifejackets on holiday rather than using the local equipment.
The International Air Transport Association or IATA is the governing body that creates regulation for international air transport. Under IATA rules a passenger is permitted to transport automatic life jackets in the aircraft. Alongside your lifejacket you are allowed to carry 2 spare cartridges. The pilot in command of the aircraft doesn't need to be informed.
IATA-rules can be found at it may be useful to refer to these if you ever have difficulty.
There is a useful link here:
The 50ML rule does not apply to lifejackets, however for info a 33g cylinder which is most common in adult lifejackets contains 46ML of liquid Co2.
Frequently asked questions "Self-inflating life jackets are permitted if they contain not more than two small cylinders with a non-flammable gas in Division 2.2 plus not more than two spare cartridges per person."
We have carried lifejackets on aircraft and never had a problem. We check them in our hold luggage. Our customers also carry jackets all around the world without problems.
What about Lifejackets for use in Aircraft?
The Marine Warehouse are lifejacket specialists - If you are looking for lifejackets suitable for use in Aircraft visit our store, we stock a wide range of Manual only operated jackets and regularly supply to private pilots.
Pilots should remember that Automatic lifejackets are unsuitable for use in aircraft. Evacuate before inflating to avoid being trapped. If you need help or advice regarding suitability - get in touch!

Lifejackets - taking them on holiday with you?
Information within these pages is provided as a guide to transporting lifejackets on Aircraft.
Lifejackets for Aircrew
We are lifejacket specialists, visit our Aircraft area in our online store for full specifications.

Information about taking life jackets abroad
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